Taming the mind for better living by Reverend Senior lecturer venerable Dharmaratne thero of #Sri Maha Bodhi Viharaya Narahenpita @ Colombo by # DamarU

Taming the mind for better living by Reverend Senior lecturer venerable Dharmaratne thero of Sri Maha Bodhi Viharaya Narahenpita @ Colombo by # DamarU
Ultimate success is by you #Damaru Wisdom

Love yourself first- take care- After  love others

Imagine self is in best f health ,After imagine others in best of health.


We need energy to live and or the mind to think guide and decide what is best.Mind request huge amount for energy.There is no better way of getting it by Deep breathing Its free
But busy human being rushing all day forgetting to breathe resulting from organ deterioration to poor productivity
Brain weighs less than five percent of your body weight but uses a total of 20 percent of your energy reserves. No organ requires this much of your energy to work. It is the prime reason why you feel tired after putting your mind into work or study for 8-10 long hours.  
Come meditate, deep breath under the Nuga tree and Boh tree .Deep breath for energy

With over 70000 thoughts  a day one can stay in one place doing nothing but dreaming-That is unproductivity.

BRIAN DOES NOT GROW AFTER BIRTH BUT CELLS can be activated.Most human used only 15 % at best  -Normally it is 10% of capacity.
Brian underutilized. Even a great scientist like ISAAC NEWTON


Meditation is the best method of improving brain,activating cells and making life productive.

Brain WORKS  even when you think it is silent and doing nothing. When you sleep, it remains active. Your heart rate drops, breathing slows, muscles relax and you respond less to the outside world, but your brain remains active while asleep. oNE CAN PERFORM SLEEPING MEDITATION BY BEING CONSCIOUS OF THE SLEEP.

Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were able to accomplish so much in their life.because they used a greater percentage of their brain than other ordinary  people did, hence more productive they used their brain more effectively.

Constant provocations a   part of life Ignoring most are a supreme way of life eg

Pig s constant provocations lion does  not get involved .As lion is aware despite being able to win he will get Dirt on his body hence thoughty   walk away minding own business.

pig ugly walk away.jpg


death is an opportunity. It is the moment when we GO if levied wisely to a b

Death is the only certain thing in life

We will all face death, no matter who we are. Yet somehow we forge or Ignore our death then fear when it comes.even moments before

Better place if lived ……..One get For he Give.in equal or more at times.

Dreamy death
This is-Dreamy Death  this happens when we fall asleep. The way that we fall asleep is exactly the way that we will die provided we are fearless. . We can use the little death to train ourselves and learn to navigate this experience. This is how we prepare for a fearless death.

If we learn how to recognize and abide in the clear light state of mind that happens at death, it will have a profound impact on our next life. In the state between life and death,

Like in day to day life where we do not meditate nor calm mind nore being conscious of the moment or not being mindful  all kinds of things can appear and provoke our emotions. This is exactly like a dream. It is not real, but it feels real and it creates real reactions in us.

We must train ur mind when healthy -  to recognize this dream and maintain a calm, clear mind, for this is when it matters most.

Fearlessly see yourself as  a dead person- And equate  into deep sleep  #Damaru Colombo
Taming the mind for better living by Reverend Senior lecture venerable Dharmaratne thero of Sri Maha Bodhi Viharaya Narahenpita @ Colombo by # DamarU


We need energy to live and or the mind to think guide and decide what is best.Mind request huge amount for energy.There is no better way of getting it by Deep breathing Its free
But busy human being rushing all day forgetting to breathe resulting from organ deterioration to poor productivity
Brain weighs less than five percent of your body weight but uses a total of 20 percent of your energy reserves. No organ requires this much of your energy to work. It is the prime reason why you feel tired after putting your mind into work or study for 8-10 long hours.  
Come meditate, deep breath under the Nuga tree and Boh tree .Deep breath for energy

With over 70000 thoughts  a day one can stay in one place doing nothing but dreaming-That is unproductivity.

BRIAN DOES NOT GROW AFTER BIRTH BUT CELLS can be activated.Most human used only 15 % at best  -Normally it is 10% of capacity.
Brian underutilized. Even a great scientist like ISAAC NEWTON


Meditation is the best method of improving brain,activating cells and making life productive.

Brain WORKS  even when you think it is silent and doing nothing. When you sleep, it remains active. Your heart rate drops, breathing slows, muscles relax and you respond less to the outside world, but your brain remains active while asleep. oNE CAN PERFORM SLEEPING MEDITATION BY BEING CONSCIOUS OF THE SLEEP.

Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were able to accomplish so much in their life.because they used a greater percentage of their brain than other ordinary  people did, hence more productive they used their brain more effectively.

Constant provocations a   part of life Ignoring most are a supreme way of life eg

Pig s constant provocations lion does  not get involved .As lion is aware despite being able to win he will get Dirt on his body hence thoughty   walk away minding own business.

pig ugly walk away.jpg


death is an opportunity. It is the moment when we GO if levied wisely to a b

Death is the only certain thing in life

We will all face death, no matter who we are. Yet somehow we forge or Ignore our death then fear when it comes.even moments before

Better place if lived ……..One get For he Give.in equal or more at times.

Dreamy death
This is-Dreamy Death  this happens when we fall asleep. The way that we fall asleep is exactly the way that we will die provided we are fearless. . We can use the little death to train ourselves and learn to navigate this experience. This is how we prepare for a fearless death.

If we learn how to recognize and abide in the clear light state of mind that happens at death, it will have a profound impact on our next life. In the state between life and death,

Like in day to day life where we do not meditate nor calm mind nore being conscious of the moment or not being mindful  all kinds of things can appear and provoke our emotions. This is exactly like a dream. It is not real, but it feels real and it creates real reactions in us.


Fearlessly see yourself as  a dead person- And equate  to deep sleep  #Damaru Colombo then getting up elsewhere for better probably to be with the same loved ones  -If lived wisely


Evening came to an end like all good things-Smiling faced, Light headed Devotes ,Listening to the sounds of soothing Namo Thassa went home for good night sleep-How nice no heavy headed hangovers of party, no late nights, no exhausted feel but fresh.Keep meditating- Switch on all circuits if possible of the brain but 20 % is good enough to achieve more than ordinary life. #Damaru Colombo





Taming the mind for better living by Reverend Senior lecturer venerable Dharmaratne thero of #Sri Maha Bodhi Viharaya Narahenpita @ Colombo by # DamarU
RELAX========================LET ALL GO=========================

meditate take a break 
